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Take Time To Take Care Of Yourself
Clinicians, by nature, focus on taking care of others all day, every day. Sometimes, it’s easy for our clinicians to overlook taking care of themselves. We believe that the key to doing your best on the job is making sure you’re living your best life off the job.
The genuine happiness of our team members is extremely important to us. Read on for three simple ways to make sure you won’t get burnt out or worn down.
Find Work-Life Balance
When you’re passionate about what you do and who you do it for, sometimes work finds a way to take precedence over other, equally important, aspects of our lives. Finding the balance between work, family, friends, hobbies (and everything else you love), is crucial to your wellbeing.
Take your vacation days. Don’t spend every Saturday you have off running errands. Plan something new and exciting to break your routine. Slip in things to look forward to on the days you are working (like a quick dinner with a friend or an early morning/late evening yoga class).
Focus on Self-Care
Self-care is a broad term.
In one sense, it means making sure you don’t skip out on your annual wellness checkups and exams and that you take time to take care of yourself when you’re feeling sick.
In another, it means making sure you have a (at least semi-) regular sleep schedule, healthy diet and get regular exercise.
In yet another, it means taking care of your mental wellbeing. This is different for everyone. Whether it be making sure you get some sunshine, taking a hot bubble bath at the end of a long day, calling up your mom, or taking a nap on your day off — put in the extra effort to do things that make you happy.
Leave Bad Days at Work
When you have a great day at work, you want to celebrate with those you love. But when you have a bad day at work, you have to leave it at the door. Everyone makes mistakes, everyone gets bad news sometimes, and real-life isn’t a scripted TV show. Dwelling on a problem while you’re off the clock isn’t beneficial to anyone, including yourself. Take time to re-energize and relax, and come back the next day ready to take on the world.
We take great pride in providing all of our team members competitive health and wellness and vacation benefits, as well as competitive pay, so they can focus on other important things on and off the clock. To explore our openings, please visit us here.